Specialising in the human experience of Living with prostate cancer – warts and all

Black Salve – a natural cure for cancer

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Not long after Dad passed on, my appointment at the Royal Melb Hospital finally arrived to checkout a potential skin cancer on my forehead. I had been waiting in the queue for 18 months and the mole that my GP said was harmless had likely developed into a Basel Carcinoma. The surgeon wanted to cut it out and replace it with a skin-graft from under my chin. I researched Black Salve and found it to be a totally natural product that specifically eats into any cancerous cells.

I don’t fully understand how it works, but then again Cancer remains a mystery to even the mainstream medical world. The image at 0:47 in the video below is proof to me that the Salve found something very specific going on and dealt with it. I am told the herbs have their own intelligence which attunes itself to my condition.

In the first week the Salve was working very hard and I had to sit with strong sensations in my head. The scab took a few weeks to come off in my case. I believe this is because it was so close to the skull and the body needed to build up the new tissue underneath before expelling the scab – rather than leaving a big crater as I have seen on other videos where the lesion is on a more fleshy part of the body.

I trusted the process all along, and the advice to let it do its own thing in its own time. So far the recovery is looking really good.

I know Dad would want me to share this story with you all.

WARNING – some of these images are a bit yuck to look at – unless you view them from a “natural healing” perspective.


Written by David Naylor

16 January 2013 at 3:15 pm

Posted in PERSONAL

2 Responses

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  1. David: Welcome back, I hope the festive season was enjoyable for you and your family. I read your article on black salve with interest and I am pleased it worked well for you. I have been successfully using this salve for the past ten years when it was called cansema.
    I have had numerous skin cancers appear on different parts of my anatomy since I turned 40 some 25 years ago. Most of the cancers have been BCC but I have had a few squamous cell and two melanomas during this time. Treatments I had for these varied from freezing to minor and major surgery from time to time. Approx 10 years back I developed persistent BCC upon various positions on the nose which defied surgery at the time by continually breaking out.
    A friend told me about this salve and I started using it on the nose and also other skin cancers as they appeared. While my nose continued to break out over the years I was able to enjoy longer cancer free times with the use of the salve. The salve I used on cancers elswhere was highly succesfull just as displayed in your photo’s.
    Almost two years ago my GP talked me into having further surgery on the nose complete with another skin graft. The cancer or cancers have bounced back with a vengeance and I am now having radiation on the nose at Nambour curtesy of the radiation oncologists that treated me for the prostate cancer. This treatment will continue until 20th February. So in total I will have been here on the Sunshine Coast for over 4 months undergoing radiation treatment.
    I can attest to the effectiveness of this salve as apart from the nose it has been responsible for curing dozens of cancers on different parts of my anatomy over the past ten years.
    I will be back in print soon with an update on my prostate treatment. I am currently awaiting results from my next PSA test due in two weeks which will indicate how well the treatment has gone.
    Lee aka Popeye

    Lee Gallagher

    19 January 2013 at 11:20 am

  2. Well where do I get said black salve????????


    23 May 2021 at 5:57 am

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