Specialising in the human experience of Living with prostate cancer – warts and all

Research: Hyrogen Peroxide Therapy

with 9 comments

I have a theory that the development of my cancer was somewhat caused by low oxygen levels in my blood.

Every time I have been in hospital over the last ten years, they immediately connect me to oxygen as the little device they put on your finger registers about 78% oxygen saturation of the blood when it should be up near 100%.  Yet, I have never needed extra oxygen on a day to day basis before now.

It has been clinically demonstrated that the spread or metastasis of cancer is inversely proportional to the amount of oxygen around the cancer cells. The more oxygen, the slower the cancer spreads. The less oxygen, the faster the cancer spreads. If cancer cells get enough oxygen, they will die (cancer cells are anaerobic). That is why they promote anti-oxidants and alkaline generating foods in the diet of cancer patients.

Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for discovering the cause of cancer. Cancer is caused when the body’s cells change from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration. The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a lack of oxygen.  Lack of oxygen and high levels of acidity usually go together.  The brighter color red your blood is, the more oxygen it carries. The darker its color, the less oxygen it carries. (Source)

Kathy Retter, the wife of a PC patient in New Zealand, told me about her husband using Hyrogen Peroxide Therapy.  She urged me to research the concept and here is what I found out.

Hyrogen Peroxide Therapy uses Hydrogen Peroxide to provide an oxygen rich environment around the cancer that slows down the tumour growth.

There are two methods of administering hydrogen peroxide: orally or intravenously. Emphysema is one condition in which intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide is best. Emphysema is destruction of the alveoli, the small air sacs in the lungs. An inadequate amount of oxygen reaching the tissues forces the heart to pump more forcefully; causing high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart and eventually heart failure.

Hydrogen peroxide intravenous (IV) infusion has the ability to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to breathe. Within minutes, oxygen from hydrogen peroxide begins to bubble up between the membrane lining, the lungs sacs and the accumulated mucus. The patient begins to cough and expel accumulated material in the lungs.  As the hydrogen peroxide cleans the lung surface and destroys bacterial infections, the patient regains the ability to breath better.  (Source)

Emphysema, asthma and chronic lung disease respond very well to hydrogen peroxide therapy. You will end up coughing up the debris at the base of your lungs. You will end up coughing more instead of less for awhile. However, that is what you want to do to clean out your lungs of all the debris from our dirty environment. It may take several treatments for this to occur or it may occur on the first treatment.

Hydrogen Peroxide can also be taken in a drink or throat spray.  Put 8 to 10 drops in an 8 oz cup of water and drink it, four times a day of 3% concentration.  To use a throat spray, follow Bill Munro’s method.

Bill Munro (March 19,1924) from Waterford, Michigan writes, “I had a bout with Melanoma and Prostate cancer at the same time. At no time would I let anything like a salve be on my open Melanoma because that would take away the oxygen needed to heal from the outside. The peroxide I inhale would supply the oxygen on the inside. I increased the times that I inhale the peroxide into my mouth to 7 or 8 times a day. I used a nasal spray pump. With each inhale I would pump the pump about 10 times. This went on for four months. I now pump 5 times with each inhale and 7 inhales every day. My PSA blood tests say I am clean now.”  (Source)

That is a lot to digest and after completing my research, I will discuss it with my doctor before I give it a go.

Written by Greg Naylor

6 July 2012 at 12:00 am

9 Responses

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  1. Hi Greg, glad to see you found the information that you did. Rob is using 3 drops a day in a cup of tea, says he cannot taste a thing and he found it made a difference within a few days. Good luck and I hope it works for you I think at this stage anything is worth a go. The info that is available about it is promising that is for sure.


    6 July 2012 at 4:59 am

  2. There is also another complementary suggestion.. Cancer IS also caused by the action of Radical Oxygen molecules in cells… Anti-Oxidants will assist to neutralise these free radicals… I know a chap who is using Anti-Oxidant treatment to control/cure a significant Mobile-Phone (brain) cancer.. We take a broad spectrum Anti-Oxidant ( OPCXtra) each day and it’s benefits are well appreciated.. When I found that I had PC, I started to take 8 doses of OPC a day, and I got the PSA to actually DROP, when it should have been rising.. “Encouragement” from others, ultimately saw me taking the easy way out , and I ended being cut, and now the PC is G.O.N.E….. I/we still take the OPC , but in much lower doses, knowing that it will control any CTC’s… As it can’t hurt, it would have to be worth the go, except, if one is on Chemo.., as it will fight against the Chemo.. ME – If I was on Chemo, I would take it as well, as I am not convinced that doctors know everything..

    Peter Atkins

    8 July 2012 at 4:17 pm

  3. Have you looked at the basis of {}
    and what about
    Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPC) are extracted from grape seeds or maritime pine bark and have been used for enhancement of capillary stability and lymphatic drainage. Since a role for OPC in cancer prevention was postulated, we asked whether they have an effect on prostate cancer cells.

    Cell proliferation was determined by 3H-thymidine assay and cell cycle status was analyzed on a flow cytometer. Expression of regulators of proliferation and apoptosis was determined by Western blot.

    We found that androgen-responsive cells LNCaP are more sensitive to OPC in terms of inhibition of proliferation in comparison to androgen receptor-negative PC3 or DU145 cells. Treatment with OPC resulted in a decrease in the percentage of LNCaP cells in the S phase and an increase in the percentage of cells in sub G1 phase. The anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effect of OPC in the LNCaP cell line was associated with down-regulation of expression of the androgen receptor. Interestingly, similar regulatory effects of OPC, such as inhibition of expression of cyclin-dependent kinases and cyclins and stimulation of tumor suppressors p21 and p27, were seen in LNCaP and PC3 cells. Favorable changes in the Bcl-2/Bax ratio were observed in LNCaP and PC3 cells after the treatment with OPC. OPC caused an increase of phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase p44 and p42, thus suggesting induction of cellular differentiation.

    We conclude that OPC is a candidate that fulfills criteria for chemopreventive strategies in prostate cancer that might be established in following in vivo studies. Prostate 68: 1647–1654, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    Peter Atkins

    10 July 2012 at 12:11 pm

    • A very technical response that warrants further investigation. Wikipedia says “Sulforaphane … is obtained from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts or cabbages. … young sprouts of broccoli and cauliflower are particularly rich in glucoraphanin.”

      Diet is important to cancer sufferers and any foods that even suggest a benefit should be tried.

      Greg Naylor

      10 July 2012 at 12:54 pm

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    3. В тренировочном процессе основной уклон хорошо на практику. Тренировочные программы формируются исходя из требований сопровождений, что нуждаются во обученных рабочих кадрах;
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